Why Are Background Checks For Remote Employees Important?
March 2nd, 2023
Employees working remotely, as estimated, have increased by 140% since 2005. The reason behind this growth can be attributed to many reasons, like technological advancements and others. However, as we all know, when the pandemic hit, the number of remote-working employees increased dramatically. Although we are now in the post-pandemic phase and many companies have welcomed back their employees, the number of employees working remotely is still higher than in the pre-pandemic era.
Now, with the rise in the number of remotely working employees, it has become increasingly important to perform background checks on the candidates applying for remote positions and the employees working remotely. The reasons why background verification is necessary are many. If you are someone who is an employer and recruits remotely, then make sure that you hire an experienced BGV vendor who can perform digital employee background verification since traditional background verification may not provide the best outcome and there would be loopholes, which would defeat the purpose of background verification.
In this blog, let’s take a look at the reasons why background verification is important for remote candidates and employees.

Top Reasons for Conducting Employee Background Checks on Remote Employees
Find out why a proper background check on remote candidates and employees is essential for the concerned company.
Moonlighting has always been a big concern for employers, and now, after the pandemic, it has become an even bigger concern. Moonlighting is a situation where a candidate or an employee works for two or more companies at the same time for great financial gains and perks. This is not an ideal thing for an organization because it can lead to a breach of confidentiality, decreased compliance, decreased productivity, ethical issues, and more such problems. Catching an employee moonlighting is a difficult task in the first place, so it would naturally be more difficult to get hold of such a candidate if he or she is working remotely because he or she is not working under the vigilance of employers. To fight the menace of #moonlighting, top companies are hiring digital BGV vendor tools like Digiverifier to uncover such details and fire such employees. For instance, Wipro recently fired 300 employees who were caught moonlighting.
Tools like Digiverifier perform UAN verification to help employers identify the candidates and employees who are moonlighting. For example, Digiverifier recently assisted an employer in identifying a candidate who had 23 jobs and was earning Rs. 43 lakh per month!
Identify criminals
It is easy for candidates with criminal backgrounds to get hired for remote work if there is no effective background verification process in place. This is because, generally, resumes don’t require candidates to mention their criminal records, so they can get past the first step of the recruitment process and, in the absence of a strict background verification process, end up being hired by the employer. To avoid the trouble and risks that come with hiring a criminal, companies must have a proper background-checking system in place. They can invest in hiring BGV tools like Digiverifier to get the necessary information prior to hiring a candidate, and save the organization from a bad hire.
Reputation of the company
The reputation of a company can easily be tainted if it hires a candidate or employee who is a criminal, drug addict, or fraudster. With the help of a proper remote employee background verification process, you as an employer can keep the organization’s brand image and reputation safe and secure. Hence, it is easily understandable that since with employee background verification, you can avoid having a #badhire, it becomes vital for an organization.
Hiring cost
It is not an untold truth that, behind hiring an employee, whether remote or not, every employer spends a huge amount of money and time. The expenditure includes advertisement costs and training costs. So, if an unsuitable candidate is chosen, the company will suffer a significant financial loss because the employee working remotely will not be as productive as expected, resulting in less revenue for the company. So, it is important to do a background check, and only after confirming that he or she has the required educational qualifications and job experience should he or she be hired for the position. Furthermore, some candidates may falsely claim that they earn a huge amount and demand a higher salary. With a #digitalemployeebackgroundverification, an employer can easily find out the truth and make the right offer. And, if the support of a strong background check is missing, it would not be possible for the company to find out, which would add to the company’s expenses.
How DigiVerifier Can Help?
When it comes to hiring and performing a background check on a remote candidate or employee, an employer can face challenges like a long recruitment process that leads to the company losing a good candidate by the time the process is over and having to bear a huge cost that the background check process demands. To avoid these challenges and others like accuracy, one can rely on digital BGV vendor tools like Digiverifier. This tool adds value to the process in many ways.
Quick turnaround time
Digiverifier is a tool that is designed to perform the verification process very quickly and generate a report in a very short amount of time. For instance, the tool can generate employment history within <10 minutes. Thus, employers can give the candidates a great experience since they do not have to wait long to know the result, and they can hire the best employees and not lose them to other recruiters. Thus, it solves one of the greatest problems of employers, as they don’t have to spend hours waiting to collect the remote employee’s data and then perform the background check, which they would otherwise have to do in a traditional background check.
Makes the process convenient
Performing a traditional background check on remote employees is a complicated and tedious process. With the help of BGV tools like Digiverifier, the process can become easy and simple. This is because the need for tons of paperwork is eliminated, and the tool is capable of performing end-to-end verification by itself. Only the employer needs to collect the candidate’s information. So, half the work is done by the tool itself, and the employer is not required to invest his or her precious time in this area.
Offers genuine results
One of the top benefits of using Digiverifier for a background check on remote candidates and employees is that it offers genuine results. This is because it performs the verification against tamper-proof sources. And it enables employers to make fair decisions even if the employer and the candidate have only interacted virtually.
Save costs
In many ways, Digiverifier helps employers save money. For instance, firstly, the tool delivers a genuine result, so the employers do not have to fear about bad hiring costs. Further, the tool is designed to do multiple in-depth checks and find out important details like the last drawn salary of the employee and whether he or she is moonlighting by performing UAN verification; all these either would not have been possible with a traditional background or the employer would have to toil very hard and spend a lot of time and money to get access to such details.
To ensure that the employee you are hiring remotely has clean records, and is eligible for the job, background verification is necessary. The above-mentioned reasons give the correct picture of what can go wrong otherwise. However, the traditional verification process may fail to deliver results, and employers may end up hiring the right candidate for their organization. So, the best decision would be to perform a digital employee background verification using an advanced tool like #Digiverifier. The tool can work smartly to offer excellent results at an affordable price and give employers peace of mind as they can hire genuine candidates. If you are interested in learning more about the BGV tool, Digiverifier, you can get in touch with the team.