Make the right offer to the right candidate.

September 7th, 2021

A good selection process is a key to identifying talent and forming the backbone of effective performance management. However, there are issues in making the right offer to suitable candidates. In this article, we’ll look at the current selection process and the problems in the process, and how we can solve the problems for the RMG team.

The recruitment process in a typical process goes like this.

1) Resume Screening

The RMG team scrutinizes the multiple resumes in hand to see the fitment to the job requirements. The RMG team then begins reaching out to the candidates and ask them to come for the interview. The conversation with the candidates helps the RMG team to understand the experience, skills, current salary, the expected salary, and notice period. This conversation helps in further shortlisting the candidates for the subsequent interviews with business.

2) Several rounds of interviews

The subsequent interviews will be more towards the business evaluating the candidates on how they will execute the job and what skills they have to do the job better. The discussions will also be to check the cultural fitment of the candidate to the organization.

3) Selection:

The next step is to decide and select the candidate with the most significant potential for the job. Decisions are best made based on a data-driven approach. In practice, this means the predetermined criteria on which each candidate is judged during the selection process. Then the best candidates are selected and given an offer.

4) Ask for a payslip

After the final selection for the position has been made, it is time to validate its claims in the resume. This process involves collecting documents such as educational certificates, ID cards, proof of address, previous offer letters, resignation letters, asking for a payslip, etc. If the candidate agrees, it is an indicator that they are genuinely interested in joining an organization.

The RMG team checks the documents, makes a few calls to some references provided in the resume. And the offer is made to the candidate.

This process still exists in many organizations. However, many organizations have found that the candidates fake the payslips and inflate their salaries. HR puts in their best efforts but cannot make the right offer because the checks may not validate the proper compensation. Hence the company ends up paying extra. The cost of employees goes up unnecessarily.

Background Verification has become an essential part of the selection process. The purpose of a BGV is to eliminate employees’ fake claims about their employment and their salary. Analysis shows that one out of ten candidates will make false claims on their resumes. Large companies outsource their BGV to an external agency while the smaller organizations do it with their HR. A typical Background Verification will get the validated information of the candidates on their public records (court and criminal history), work history, education records, and address validation, to name a few. However, the verification of the salary does not happen. The BGV process also takes anywhere from 7 to 10 days to get the report.

How can this be solved?

Background verification has evolved. There are verification platforms that automatically fetches the employee’s past data from their bank and EPF accounts. The platform helps validate the employee’s past company and past salary. The platform also eliminates fake candidates and helps the companies hire to make the right offer to the suitable candidates.

The traditional employment background verification process is a lengthy, expensive & manual process, which takes approximately 7 to 10 days. The verification platforms provide employment verification in just 10 Minutes. In the conventional verification process, the dependency is there on the previous employers, both in terms of response time and the existence of the previous employers. A Delay in response of the prior employer to validate details puts both candidate and employer in a difficult situation. The verification platforms are tamper-proof, high on accuracy; the data verification process is fully automated and verifies multiple employment credentials for up to 7 years. It helps the organization to reinforce ethics, compliance & trust to the customers.


To conclude, organizations have been bleeding with false claims and increasing the cost of employees. They also reject candidates after two to three weeks and also lose out on productive time. Selecting and recruiting the best candidates is key to the company’s long-term profitability. An efficient selection process helps create a competitive advantage for the company. Because of this, it is one of the most critical contributions HR can make to a business.

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