
Why Skipping Education Verification Can Cost Employers Big Time?

April 3rd, 2024

The job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and as a result, candidates are resorting to various unethical approaches to secure a job. In such a scenario, without a proper screening process, most employers find that they have been duped, and they have ended up having #badhire. While this is an unfortunate scenario, to prevent it,… Continue reading Why Skipping Education Verification Can Cost Employers Big Time?

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Top Case Studies Showcase Digiverifier’s Successful Crackdown on Moonlighting

March 20th, 2024

Moonlighting has become a menace, and employers are trying to prevent it with digital BGV solutions. While it has always been there, post-pandemic, the problem has risen, making employers more cautious. AI-powered BGV solutions like Digiverifier are being adopted by organisations to curb the problem. Otherwise, organisations can easily run into financial troubles, legal complications,… Continue reading Top Case Studies Showcase Digiverifier’s Successful Crackdown on Moonlighting

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Detecting Moonlighting: Signs and Signals for Employers to Watch For

March 7th, 2024

In the ever-changing, ever-advancing job market of today, more and more people are starting to take on extra work beyond their main jobs. This act of engaging in a second job, known as moonlighting, brings different chances and difficulties for both workers and those who hire them. The additional job carries the danger of affecting… Continue reading Detecting Moonlighting: Signs and Signals for Employers to Watch For

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Top Tips for Managing Moonlighting Risks in the Gig Economy

February 12th, 2024

In the gig economy, where individuals engage in moonlighting activities to supplement their income or pursue personal interests, employers face the challenge of managing risks associated with these ventures. One important aspect that requires attention is the thorough screening of employees’ backgrounds, particularly regarding Universal Account Number checks, while ensuring compliance with data privacy laws.… Continue reading Top Tips for Managing Moonlighting Risks in the Gig Economy

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The Importance of Accurate UAN Check in Employment Verification

February 9th, 2024

In the previous blogs, we have explored various important topics on UAN verifications. Now, one of the most important aspects of any verification is its accuracy, without a genuine outcome, it will make no sense. Inaccuracy in a critical checking process like UAN verification jeopardizes hiring decisions in several ways. In this blog, we will… Continue reading The Importance of Accurate UAN Check in Employment Verification

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How Can Digital Background Checks Mitigate the Challenges of the Criminal Verification Process?

February 8th, 2024

Hiring the right candidates quickly, and ensuring accuracy are top priorities for businesses across industries in today’s competitive job market. However, it can be difficult to verify a capable employee’s honesty and dependability, especially when it comes to criminal records. Traditional background check techniques mostly are limited in terms of having problems with accuracy, timeliness,… Continue reading How Can Digital Background Checks Mitigate the Challenges of the Criminal Verification Process?

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The Significance of Continuous Monitoring in Employee Background Checks

January 18th, 2024

In the ever-changing business landscape of today, it is critical to guarantee the dependability and honesty of an employee. Even though they are necessary, traditional one-time background checks might not give a complete picture of an employee’s past and present behaviour. This is where it becomes clear how important it is to monitor ongoing employee… Continue reading The Significance of Continuous Monitoring in Employee Background Checks

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Debunking the Privacy Myths of Digital Background Verification 

January 10th, 2024

Concerns regarding privacy have grown in the fast-paced digital age where information is shared instantly, particularly when it comes to hiring procedures. Employers can use digital background verification, a potent tool to help them make knowledgeable hiring decisions. However false beliefs about privacy frequently prevent businesses and people from embracing this game-changing approach and utilise… Continue reading Debunking the Privacy Myths of Digital Background Verification 

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Securing Sensitive Data: How Employee Background Checks Strengthen IT Workforces

January 8th, 2024

Data security has become mandatory in the fast-changing information technology or IT field because sensitive data is a valued asset. A strong IT workforce is more important than ever as businesses rely so much on technology to run their operations. Comprehensive personnel background checks, such as UAN checks and others, are effective strategies that greatly… Continue reading Securing Sensitive Data: How Employee Background Checks Strengthen IT Workforces

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