
How Digiverifier Can Help Companies With Criminal Background Verification?

June 6th, 2024

Workplace safety is the fundamental thing, and should not be compromised under any circumstances. The absence of safety spoils the work environment and negatively impacts business productivity and goals. Unsuitable candidates having past criminal records when onboarded can be immensely damaging to the organisation. Monetary loss, poor image, and legal complications are some of the… Continue reading How Digiverifier Can Help Companies With Criminal Background Verification?

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Addressing the Risks of Moonlighting and How Digiverifier Can Assist

May 15th, 2024

The rise in cases of moonlighting is an unprecedented phenomenon. Employers across the world are worried about the number of cases that they are unexpectedly coming across. Hence, companies across industries are adopting strict measures such as investing in UAN verification, integrating it with the hiring process, and warning employees. Now, before knowing how to… Continue reading Addressing the Risks of Moonlighting and How Digiverifier Can Assist

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What Are Pre-Employment Background Checks & Their Importance?

May 14th, 2024

Whenever a company hires an employee, it is considered an investment. The purpose is to have an individual in a certain position who will contribute, and add to the growth of the company over time. Companies in general aim to employ candidates who can maximise growth. Unfortunately, poor hiring decisions can sometimes lead to #badhire… Continue reading What Are Pre-Employment Background Checks & Their Importance?

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Best Practices for Employment Checks Followed By Digiverifier

May 2nd, 2024

Employment verification of candidates and/or employees has always been an essential part of the hiring process for companies. However, in recent times, the importance of performing the verification has doubled due to increased #badhires, #moonlighting, and other risky consequences. Employers, therefore, have understood that proper employment checks, along with other verification services, are one of… Continue reading Best Practices for Employment Checks Followed By Digiverifier

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Top Reasons Why Digiverifier Is the Ultimate Solution for UAN Verification

April 17th, 2024

A company recruits to create a team of talented employees who can help the company grow in many ways. However, in reality, a company has to face several challenges during the recruitment process. For instance, an absence of strict background verification can be a source of threatening issues such as bad hires, moonlighting, legal consequences,… Continue reading Top Reasons Why Digiverifier Is the Ultimate Solution for UAN Verification

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Digiverifier: The Digital Solution for Comprehensive Criminal Background Checks

April 12th, 2024

Workplace safety has always been crucial for the success and sustainability of organisations. Employers have a responsibility to create a secure environment to protect both employees and customers. Conducting thorough criminal background checks on potential hires plays a key role in maintaining workplace safety. This is where Digiverifier, the leading BGV vendor solution, can be… Continue reading Digiverifier: The Digital Solution for Comprehensive Criminal Background Checks

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5 Ways Digiverifier Addresses the Challenges in Educational Background Checks

April 6th, 2024

Employers across different industries benefit in various ways from conducting thorough background checks on candidates. It has become extremely easy today to fabricate information, and individuals are well-utilising these options for securing jobs. Besides exaggerating about past employments, they are also embellishing their resumes with false educational information. While traditional background verification may fall short… Continue reading 5 Ways Digiverifier Addresses the Challenges in Educational Background Checks

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Why Skipping Education Verification Can Cost Employers Big Time?

April 3rd, 2024

The job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and as a result, candidates are resorting to various unethical approaches to secure a job. In such a scenario, without a proper screening process, most employers find that they have been duped, and they have ended up having #badhire. While this is an unfortunate scenario, to prevent it,… Continue reading Why Skipping Education Verification Can Cost Employers Big Time?

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Top Case Studies Showcase Digiverifier’s Successful Crackdown on Moonlighting

March 20th, 2024

Moonlighting has become a menace, and employers are trying to prevent it with digital BGV solutions. While it has always been there, post-pandemic, the problem has risen, making employers more cautious. AI-powered BGV solutions like Digiverifier are being adopted by organisations to curb the problem. Otherwise, organisations can easily run into financial troubles, legal complications,… Continue reading Top Case Studies Showcase Digiverifier’s Successful Crackdown on Moonlighting

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